The national the system only dreams in total darkness album
The national the system only dreams in total darkness album

We say we dream of one day… Expressing our hope for the future. “We’re in a different kind of thing now” which is how I feel knowing that they exist and that they are protecting me but hiding secrets.ĭreams are hope. They hold onto these memories and emotions that are mine, but I now know about them. It is my life but they will not tell me anything about my life. “Why are you hiding from me?” is what I think every second of the day, since I learned about my alters. “I can tell that somebody sold you” means to me that an alter revealed something that all were committed to dying without revealing to an outside influence, perhaps a therapist or triggering event. These emotions and the attached memories will not be given over easily.

the national the system only dreams in total darkness album

The alters hold these secrets and will die holding them. I remember only short pieces of most of my childhood. I know very little of the experiences that caused these alters to develop. The line “We said we’d only die of lonely secrets” is particularly moving for me. The emotions attach to memories and are stored in the brain differently than regular long or short term memories. The brain creates the alters to absorb the pain of the trauma that is too overwhelming to the child experiencing the trauma. They will never let anyone in to learn the secrets. They all exist in secret hiding the memories of the trauma(s) that each holds. The alters may not be aware of the other alters and the host or front alter(s) may not be aware of the alters at all. I have done this my entire life without knowing or receiving a diagnosis until two years ago. As says an individual will refer to themselves as we/they. Their job is to protect the individual from any memories of the traumas they experienced. We said we’d only die of lonely secrets" refer to the purpose of alters.

the national the system only dreams in total darkness album

The lines "We said we’ve never let anyone in. I have DID and this song is a perfect explanation of the feelings we have and live with daily. He says the only cure for this new dark time we've found ourselves in is to eradicate this twisted dark faith many have become beholden to (i.e., "Loss of no other faith is light enough for this is spot on. He says that he can tell that "somebody sold you (sic: on some terrible twisted ideology)", being taken aback because he thought we were impervious to the mistakes of history (i.e., "we said we wouldn't be fooled by nefarious elements of society.we wouldn't let them in.but you did.").


He said the song is about the "darkness before the dawn" in that the system (our society) can only be motivated and inspired to break free and grow out of this divisive hatred, this dark faith, in the most trying, darkest of times (that inspiration being the "dreams" he alludes to). General CommentMatt Berringer was recently interviewed as saying the song speaks to the current dark state of affairs the US is experiencing politically with the rise of dark ethno-nationalistic elements selling people a twisted hate-based faith of sorts. Now you're saying that I'm asking for too much attentionĪlso no other faith is light enough for this place I thought that this would all work out after a while

The national the system only dreams in total darkness album